holy shit

last night's mad men!

possible spoilers inside...

so much could be said...but the things that come to mind...

sally's beatles freak out...and betty actually smiling at her for once...
i was so happy to see how quickly betty and don got in sync on the phone...
roger and joanie...sigh...they belong together...
little petey campbell...sure is a feisty one, isn't he?
lane's father! watch out for that cane
pete's preggers wife in that nightgown...pretty damn cute/hot!
my heart breaks for joan...(although i kind of think she kept the baby)
...and roger...that business break-up hit a little close to home...
...and don...that breakdown also hit a little close to home...
and of course, just as don lets somebody in from the get go, we see him being tempted by the secretary yet again...

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